Friday, July 23, 2010

Vacation tips from my insurance company

Vacation is a time for fun and relaxation! Don't let yours be ruined by crime. We have listed some valuable crime prevention tips below to help you prepare for your upcoming vacation.

Before leaving ....
  • Have good locks on all doors and windows, and use them!
  • Engrave your valuables with your driver's license number (not your social security number), and take pictures of important valuables. Keep copies of your records locked up somewhere safe (lock box, etc.).
  • Never leave your house key hidden outside under a doormat, in a flower pot, or on the ledge of a door.
  • Make your house appear "lived in." Use timers for lights and radios. Have a neighbor or a friend pickup mail, packages and newspapers, and keep the lawns mowed and watered.
  • Leave your trip plans and emergency phone number with a trusted neighbor or friends.
 On the road ....

  • Never carry large amounts of cash; use traveler's checks. If you must carry large sums of money, do not display it openly.
  • Keep a record of traveler's check numbers and your credit card numbers in a safe place. Have the telephone numbers to call in case your checks or credit cards are lost or stolen.
  • Be aware of your surroundings and never advertise your plans to strangers; this includes travel routes and the amount of cash you are carrying.
  • Do not stop to offer help to a stranded motorist. If you have a cell phone, help by calling for assistance.
  • If you suspect someone is following you, drive to the nearest service station, restaurant or business and then call the local police department (or dial 911).
  • If your vehicle breaks down, raise the hood and attach a white flag to the antenna. Use your cell phone to dial for help.
Car security...

  • Always lock your vehicle after entering or leaving it.
  • Park in well-lighted areas.
  • Check the back seat before entering your vehicle.
  • Mark your valuables inside your vehicle with your driver's license number (GPS, etc.).
  • Always lock valuables out of sight, preferably in the trunk. Always carry wallet, check book and purses with you.
  • Do not advertise that you are a tourist. Place maps and travel brochures in the glove compartment.
 Hotel / Condo / Motel security ....

  • Determine the most direct route to and from your room, to the fire escapes and elevators.
  • When occupying or leaving your room, use all auxiliary locking devices on doors and windows.
  • Use the door viewer "peephole" to identify anyone requesting entry. Open the door only if you are certain the person has a legitimate reason to enter your room. If in doubt, call the condo/hotel or motel office.
  • Unpack and place belongings in the closet and dresser. Arrange your things so you'll know if anything is missing.
  • Never leave money, checks, credit cards or car keys in the room. Take them with you.
  • Report any lost or stolen items to the hotel/condo/motel management and to the local police.
  • Report to the management any suspicious movements in the corridors or rooms.
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  1. This is great information and a good awareness read. Thanks for the tips!!

  2. You are very welcome. And thak you for the nice comments.
