Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Should authors pay for reviews?

Check out this article about paid reviews by  Carrie Stager on The Mad Reviewer. It brings up an issue writers sometimes have to deal with. Have you ever paid for a review? If not, how do you go about getting reviews?  How do you make sure they show up in places that will benefit the sale of your book?

"Reviewers: We have an obligation to our readers to tell the truth as we see it.  If you are accepting money in return for a good review, you are lying to your readers and yourself. It will eventually come out if you're charging for good reviews." (Carrie Stager)

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  1. Hi Nancy! I'm back! Nice to see your pretty face again. Too much havoc dulls a writers creativity. My latest blog gives a "brief" vision, though there was way too much to post.

    Personally, I've always heard and read "Never pay for a Review." Haven't started the process, but I'll be blogging about it when I do. I'm also hoping that once people start reading, they will come to me! Pie in the Sky? Maybe, but I have an anxious following, and my book is way past due...

    Good luck on your research. Let us know the results. I have a LOT OF BLOGS to review. Are you finished with your 2nd memoir yet? Much success with all your endeavours. Hugs.

    1. Nancy, I love your comments; they're so much more than "...just stopping by..." I've always heard the same about not paying for reviews, but I imagine there are some who do, probably for specific and unique reasons.
      Haven't done much work on the new memoir. Stopped a while to finish up with the publishing of the first one. I have to do a little re-writing on it, before submitting it again.
      Thanks, Nancy, for your continued interest. You keep me posted too about your book. I want to read it when it comes out.
